He was my boss...I crushed hard...he became my friend. I love him dearly.

Here's the journaling:
Julian, I love you so much. This pic is so you, from our glory days at Kana'i Pono; we had so much fun! You made my wedding haku lei, and I'll never forget how you played the ukulele for me during my blood transfusions. I was so happy to be at your well deserved retirement from Kamehameha Schools. You're forever my man crush.

Kits used: 

GingerScraps Designer collabs: Start Afresh; Slice of Summer

Oohlala: Boho Beautiful

SeaTrout: Damask Dreams

Connie Prince: Family Tree 2016 March

CathyK: OhBoyIt'sSpring (or maybe OhBringOnSpring?- OBIS is on each element!)

DearFriends: Feb2016 word art challenge

KeyLimeDigiDesigns: Very Blue

thanks for looking, aloha Wink