Little Butterfly Wings and Studio Basic: A True Friend (Boys Version)
Amy Wolff: Messy Edges
Heather Joyce: The Monkey Bars

Well, you know.... You're still a nut. Making us laugh, disgusting us with your antics, and showing us how to be proud of our emotions no matter what. You get mad, you get scared, you get ridiculously happy, and never bother to hide any of it. It's a good thing. Even when I want to strangle you and laugh at the same time because you are stomping your feet and emphatically huffing, and don't know that you shouldn't huff through your nose when you have a cold. Hard to be a grump when you are madly blowing buggers out of your nose.
     You have a thing for "skunking" people, and even though I've threatened you within an inch of your life, you continue to do it when you think I won't know. Just yesterday I got a video texted to me from your grandparents' house showing you laughing because you were tooting in a corner.
     You are goofy and fun and love life even when you hate it. You ask if maybe we are someone's dream and give me a Minecraft for Dummies book for Christmas because I tell you I don't know how to play Minecraft to get out of playing Minecraft. You tell jokes that make absolutely no sense and can't help but speak in accents when you are counting  in the back seat of the car. You hide under my bed so you can grab my foot and scare the beejeezus out of me when I walk by. You will snuggle at the drop of a hat and like to sneak into my bed at 5am because you "haven't slept all night long because you can't sleep by yourself."
     You bring excitement and joy and suspense to my life. I love you even when I want to strangle you.