Scrapbooking is wonderful to pass memories on about the good things, but it’s also a great vessel to pass important information and a strong attitude too. My current medical issues are genetic, so not only is my brother at risk, but someday a grand-niece or great-grand-nephew may benefit from what’s happening with me now and how I’m dealing with it. It will offer more help in a bright colored bound book than it will in my personal journal!

Credits: On My Knees by Darlene Haughin and Susan Godfrey, bent paper frame by Gunhild Storeide

Journal reads:

Cleveland Clinic is the number 4 hospital in the country. I was torn between being concerned, “Is it really THAT bad?” and “Wow, am I worth that much?” I was still on edge as David and I started the rainy drive to Cleveland.

The concern faded slowly and progressively once we got to Cleveland Clinic and I met Dr. G---------, the neurologist to whom I was referred. Dr. G---------sat with me and showed me in detail what was on the MRI films. He had me try some simple walking tests and checked out my feet for reflexes, sensation and to check the circulatory problems I’d been having. He asked me a ton of questions and answered every question I had.

Before leaving Cleveland Clinic, I had a prescription for a brain MRI and David and I took a shuttle ride to the main hospital where THREE vials of my blood was drawn for additional tests. I am as of yet, not diagnosed. The initial assessment is that I have a probable genetic issue. I don’t even know if it’s a “condition,” “disorder,” “disease” or something else. Dr. G---------seems to think it is something that, while not curable, is something I can learn to live with and it doesn’t effect life-span.

I left Cleveland in a good mood, a really good mood. I have a good idea of what to expect and I can start to form a game plan. There is no evidence that the thinking parts of my brain are affected. It won’t change who I am or what I am mentally capable of. I’m going to have hardware, a walker and a wheel chair. I’ll always have good seats for baseball games the best parking spots.

I’ve always said that “You can’t control what HAPPENS TO you in life, but you totally control how you react to what happens to you. Now, I get the opportunity talk the talk with a confident smile and maybe no one will notice the wheels I use to help me walk the walk.