Little Butterfly Wings Just Breathe Kit
Pink Reptile Designs About | Elements
Pink Reptile Designs Corked | Alpha
Pink Reptile Designs Forget Me Not | Papers

Years ago we used to have ferrets. Lots of them. Unfortunately they seem to be one of those pets that people get, don’t realize what they are getting into, and then get rid of. We became the people who took your ferret if you didn’t want it anymore. Thats how we got seven of them. Yes seven ferrets were rehomed to us. Not all at one time, but over several years. Each one had their own story, and most of the time the stories were sad. Over the years we had fifteen of them. The most we had at one time was eight. Each had their own little personality, and each one added something to our lives. One day I needed to come up with an email ID. Since ferrets are in the weasel family, I came up with weaselwatchr, since we watched weasels. Why no letter e? Well there is actually one other weaselwatcher out there somewhere. I am not sure if they love ferrets and were loved by these fuzzy creatures too, but I would like to hope so