Journaling reads:
iHola! Kaylee!
Grandma and Papa found this cute backpack for you since we knew how much you loved DORA and her pack. This one was filled with stuffed animals, (you liked the sch-lump and unicorn). They were hard to pull out of the holes, but
WE did it! Yay!
You then went back and forth down the hall singing *Backpack, Backpack*!!
PS. a schlump in Kaylee's mind is a horse...because when we were looking at books and saw a horse we went sang..Da Dump, Da Dump, Da Dump dump dump...well she now says sch..lump, sch...lump...and so that's how the horse got it's name!
Thanks for looking!
Credits: Little Explorers - Collab Kit by Connie Prince and Shari Sekel; Embossed Paper freebie by Shari Sekel from Connie Prince's blog