Credits: No Monsters Allowed by SuzyQ Scraps
Fonts: sf Natalie and Trashed
Journaling reads:
Ian, you are always telling us that you are too scared to go anywhere in the house by yourself. I don’t know what started it, but when I ask you what you are scared of, you tell me “monsters.” It doesn’t matter that I remind you that you have neve seen a monster in real life, only on movies. You are still saying that you are scared.
It’s funny though, because you have no problems going into the library to play by yourself. You even remember {most of the time} to shut the door so Zindle won’t get in. I guess the monsters don’t come into the library or something.
One thing that helps you go upstairs or into another room by yourself is if someone counts. That way, you can see how fast you are, so you run to the room as fast as you can.
I hope this phase doesn’t
last too long! It would
be nice if you could go to
the bathroom by yourself.