Visiting Blackheath

We recently went out to find the farm homestead where our grandparents grew up. Happy to find it, but in a sad condition. I posted the photos on the Midlands memories Facebook page & have included comments by 2 members who have memories of the farm.


We especially went to Bushwillow a day early as I wanted to show the Family Story album to Barry & Erica. They were out shopping so to fill in time till they returned we set off to try to find Blackheath, home of my Great Grandfather, Edward & Great Grandmother Alice Varty & where Goga, Aunt Grace & Uncle Roy grew up.

There is no doubt we felt uneasy driving up, but I really wanted to see the old home so we took our courage in both hands & approached the locals. Fortunately, we found a lady who could act as a translate (she was a visitor canvassing for the ANC) & once they understood the history they were so excited & appointed one of the young ladies as an escort. The chief had gone shopping so we couldn't get permission to go inside but had a good look around the outside & take some photos.

Sad to see it in such a sorrowful state, but I was so happy to see the old home.

I posted these photos on the Facebook Midlands Memories Group & have included comments by members who knew a little of Blackheath’s history.

All elements & papers - Meryl Bartho

Font: P22 Cezanne, Bradley Hand