This ATC is for a challenge at another site and is a continuation of a similar one uploaded last week.

Journaling: By high school, "the Twins" faze had faded. Since were in different classrooms by the 6th grade, we had developed into single identities. EXCEPT: one group of kids knew my sister, another group knew me, and a third knew us together. People would say "hi" to me in the hallways and I'd say "hi" back, even though I often had no idea who they were, but I knew they thought I was my sister. She experienced the same thing. The life of a "multiple.  I wasn't "socially awkward," I just wasn't "social." More in to books than boys (or girls, for that matter).  
CREDITS: KITS: "2016 Manifesto" and "Girlies" by Little Butterfly Wings; "England" -  by Paula Kesselring; FONT: Comic Sans