Journey with You Collab
by GingerBread Ladies

Monthly Musings 3 Templates
by Dagilicious

MRF Springtime Blues Two Medium (journaling)
RNS Camelia Light (journal card date)
Serendipity (everything else)
Showcard Gothic (title year)

Photo Credit
Alisa Anton on Unsplash (hot cocoa)

Unfortunately, there are no longer any pictures available of my dad. I kept them all on an external hard drive that was stolen when our home was burglarized during the Carr Fire that tore through our community in August 2018. We evacuated to my daughter's house in Napa, leaving our home vulnerable, and paid a high price for our caution. Of course, looking back, even knowing the losses we would take, I don't believe we would do anything differently. Laurie was positively frantic, begging us to come and stay with them until the fire was under control. I couldn't imagine ever sacrificing her peace of mind in exchange for material goods - even the ones with the greatest sentimental value.