Top of the Frost by Key Lime Digi Designs
Lace from Jardin de Fleurs by KeyLime Digi Designs

The artist, Martha McDonald, creates handcrafted costumes and textiles, activating them through gestures, singing and autobiographical narrative, connecting historic places with personal histories and emotional states.

The Weeping Dress performance arose from her research into Victorian mourning rituals.  In those times, out of respect for the dead, women were not permitted to wear anything that would reflect the light during their first year of deep mourning.  That meant wearing only wool bombazine or crepe, fabrics which held plant based dyes poorly so that colour would run from the fabric in rain and heat, creating stains and runs.  In McDonald’s  haunting Weeping Dress performance, water sprayed over her as she sang, releasing the dye from the costume which streamed and pooled, leaving traces of colour which are still visible in the performance artifacts. The artist created this costume with crepe paper fused to calico and interfacing.

(Information taken from art gallery blurb)