Credits: iDream by SuzyQ Scraps and Ziggle Designs
Font: Stars From Our Eyes
Journaling reads:
You love to be held all of the time, Tristan, and that makes it really hard to do even the simplest things, like laundry or dishes. We got a gift card in the mail from Mommy’s aunt and uncle, so Daddy suggested we get a baby carrier. Off to Target we went, and we bought the Infantino Union. You love it so much! It’s like magic -- a couple of minutes in the carrier, and you are sound asleep. That makes it so much easier for Mommy to stay on top of all of the housework that needs to get done. The carrier allows for Mommy’s hands to be free to clean, and you still get to be held all of the time, Tristan. It is the perfect solution for both of us!
Daddy even loves to use it -- and it fits both Mommy and Daddy very comfortably, even though Daddy is much taller than Mommy. We are so happy that we have gotten this carrier!
December 17, 2011