JOURNALING: My sister and I went on a church-sponsored trip to the Soviet Union in 1988 to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Christianity in that country. During a tour of an old church, we noticed some trees had dropped their "fruit." While the majority of our group passed these nuts by saying, "they are just horse chestnuts," there were four of us from Ohio who went a bit silly exclaiming we'd found "buckeyes" in Russia. The Buckeye is our state tree, The Ohio State University's sports teams are nicknamed "Buckeyes," and our state is famous for its "buckeye" candy - balls of peanut butter fudge covered in chocolate except for a small portion of the center that shows through and, thus, resembles the "buckeye" nut. (Unlike the tree's fruit, however, our candy is NOT poisonous!)

CREDITS: PHOTOS: by me: FONT: Ohio Script; Microsoft Himalaya; KIT: "Bergen" - Lynn Grieveson