Periwinkle the Parakeet {Part 2}
• All created in the free version of the Over app
• Connie Prince June 2020 mini kit

Periwinkle the parakeet now has a new home with Adam.
We found a week or so ago that she had laid 4 eggs, but we knew they would not be viable and she obviously knew as well because tonight Emily found all of them on the ground underneath the nesting box. We decided for her safety instead of leaving her to fend on her own, since obviously parakeets aren’t meant to be in the wild, we would catch her.  We were able to easily encourage her to fly into a birdcage which Adam still had at our house. It will be sad no longer seeing her flying around the neighborhood and making her home in our bluebird nest box but I am glad that she will be safe and well taken care of at Adam’s house.