Kit: Stormchaser by Aimee Harrison
Dark blue flower & pink flower: Believe In You by Aimee Harrison
Template: Softly Sweet by Dagilicious Templates
Fonts: Randomly Cute & Mural Script

I found this little guy on the screened porch this week and had to rescue him before I could let the cats onto the porch to prevent them eating him. I’m not sure if he is a broad face skink or a 5-stripe skink but I do know he is a juvenile since he has that bright blue, almost fluorescent, tail. Skinks are different than lizards because they don’t have a neck.   The first skink I ever saw was when I took my Girl Scout troop camping. We were hiking, with me bringing up the rear, when suddenly the woods were filled with high-pitched screams and cries of “snakes with legs” and lots of giggles and shrieks.  I ran to where the girls were, slightly panicked about snakes, and found large, redheaded lizards with no neck, resembling, more than anything, snakes with legs. I had no idea what they were, except that they, blessedly, were not snakes, with legs or otherwise.  The girls were safe and we had a mystery animal.