Just over a year ago, the Coronavirus came into our lives. It was new, and no one quite knew how to handle it. Our President shut down the country quickly and our Governors put in mask mandates and shutdowns to "flatten" the curve, stating it would only be 15 days. We are almost 400 days into the 15. I'm glad I took out my sewing machine and made a few masks, because we're still in them! I realized that I am a much better crocheter than I am a seamstress, but I am now working to make my sewing items as good as my crocheting. It will take time. Yeah, it's just like flattening the curve, right? "
used the Craft Fair Mega Survivor Kit
Digital fiber pieces:
daisy flower patch, crocheted flowers, rick rack ribbon, yarn, snaps, pearls, stitches, lace, doily, crocheted background