GingerBread Ladies Mega Collab- Craft Fair

Miss Fish Templates-Simply Stacked 37-40_40

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Journaling: My mother was a fantastic knitter!
She could even knit in the dark creating argyle socks and did
so for the troops in WWII. She started [trying] to teach     me to knit when I was about  age 8. It didn’t work.   She tried many more times  as I got older....same result. When she passed away in 1993 I inherited her needles.
 Although I could do anything else with yarn, knitting was not one of them.
Fast forward to 2020 and the quarantine.  I was determined to learn to knit!!! I pulled out Mama’s old needles from the 1930’s and 40’s, took a deep breath.
 With the help of YouTube, I started knitting!!! Thus far I’ve made dishcloths, a scarf neck warmer and started a hat!