Kit "Craft Fair" by "TheCherryOnTopfonts CU "NineteenEightyPortable-Regular" by (c)TypodemicFontsInc. & "Artis" by (c)7NTyes.Photos perso
Beautiful extraction and lovely shadowing on it. Love the names on the frames and the sweet stitching.
The texture of the background is fabulous and I love how the photo blends with it! I love the font used to place their names on the frames and the clusters are very nice! I like the quilting hoop used as a frame!
thanks so much ))
Superb extraction, I love the lowered opacity. The tight grouping of photos and elements opposite is also a pleasure to view
This layout makes me smile - their little faces are just beaming!
Nominated for this week's Bakers' Best.
Congrats on the nomination. Such a delightful page. Love the kids' costumes. The blended photo is fantastic.
Terrific extraction and love the coposition of this page!
thanks so much )))
oopsss I hadn't seen the nomination .... thank you very much))