But First ... Coffee by Manu Design Studio Torn Bits 01 by Karen Schulz Designs
52 Inspirations {2021} No 14 - DIY Alpha Template by Wendyzine Scraps
Font - Gabriola
Layout made for a challenge at another site.
Translation: Coffee The hotel foyer in Kalmar, April 2, 2019, 25th anniversary
The original photo was a bit dark. It was focused on the coffee cup which was very bright and the background was really dark. First thing I did after extracting the cup was to lighten up the background and duplicate it. Then I used Sponge on the top background layer and used Photo Copy on the other layer. Changed the blend modes on the layers, Linear Light on the Sponge layer and Bright Light on the Photo Copy layer. Lowered the opacity a slight bit on the top background layer to make the edges show. Added the photo to the torn frame and then placed it onto the layout. Added a copy of the coffee cup on top of the frame and let it stick out of the frame. Used the alpha template and a paper from the kit to make the title. Please note: I use a Swedish version of PSE and I'm translating the names of filters and modes as best as I can.)