No One Like You
My darling Valentine, it's clear,
I love you more and more each year.
Our love is contentment, happiness, too,
Because there's just no one like you.
Whenever I feel down and blue,
You make me laugh, and I feel new.
Your loving looks turn my heart to goo;
There's no one, Love, no one like you.
I'm blessed to have your true devotion;
I'm filled with warm and sweet emotion.
You show your love in all you do;
You're one of a kind--no one like you.
And so, my dearest Valentine,
I'm oh, so glad that you are mine.
Our love is faithful, strong and true.
Sweetheart, there's just no one like you.
~ Joanna Fuchs
To Have & To Hold by Kristmess Designs
font: Please write me a song Medium