Feeding the Seagulls
Dauphin Island, AL
Journaling: We always enjoy feeding the seagulls while at the beach.  Watching the flocks of them come swooping in and listening to them screech and squawk is always entertaining.  They are often joined by other birds, especially the little sandpipers which run so fast along the sand to grab what the seagulls have missed. 
There was one seagull this day that was especially good at catching the crackers that I was throwing and it kept swooping around and around in circles and very rarely missed.  I managed to hold my phone in one hand and toss the cracker with the other and got some great shots of it getting ready to catch the cracker and you can even see the cracker in the shot too. 

• Created in Affinity for desktop
• Photo Mask from Miss Fish; free download from the GingerScraps forum
• Just Beachy by Just So Scrappy