We took the boys to see the Dinos during Spring Break. They were sure excited, especially once we arrived in Drumheller and saw the dinosaurs on the street corners. We spent the night in the Jurassic Inn and ventured to the museum shortly after it opened in the morning. Jeremiah was quite unsure about venturing to close indoors even though he seemed OK outside. Darren had to carry him through the first section before he finally moved on his own. They both loved seeing T-Rex and Triceratops. In the gift shop, Sebastian chose a Woolly Mammoth figurine and Jeremiah a set of smaller dinos.

My first thought when looking at these photos from our trip to the dinosaur museum was to use a themed kit. Then I thought that perhaps something with strong colours might better work with the neutrals in most of the photos. I was right and Tasty Tangelo Value Collection by Erica Belton was the winning kit paired with 3 Plus 3 Equals - Double Page Quick Click by Erica Belton.