Icy Day
Journaling: When Grampy got home from work today he wanted to go out and clean off the driveway.  Calvin & Rosie wanted to go with him, so they got bundled up and ran around in the snow for a bit and Calvin even grabbed the other shovel and helped clear off the sidewalk.  I watched from the kitchen window.  There was a lot of ice under the snow and it was worse right at the corner of the garage on the sidewalk. When it was time to come in, I saw Mark grab Calvin's hand to help him get into the garage and past the ice and then next thing I see Mark had fallen and was flat on his back on the sidewalk.  I ran out right away and Calvin met me in the garage as he was coming to get me.  Rosie was standing on the sidewalk crying because Grampy's falling scared her.  It was surprising that when Mark fell that he didn't pull Calvin down with him.  Mark hit his head pretty hard and we were concerned that he may have gotten a concussion, but by bedtime he was feeling fine though the back of his head where it hit was still tender. 

• Created in Affinity Photo for desktop
• Kit: Winterberry Frost by CathyK from Gingerscraps
• Some of the brads & buttons are from other winter kits