Country Roads - Kit, Word Bits, Graffiti, and Wood Papers by CathyK Designs
Spring Is In The Air 1 Templates by Tinci Designs
Journal font is KG When Oceans Rise
When I tell people I'm from New York,
they always assume I'm from the city.
Actually, I grew-up in the country,
across from dairy farms and apple
orchards. I spent my youth playing in
corn fields and walking up the street
to farm stands to get fresh apples,
corn, strawberries, and other fresh
foods. My grandparents had a cabbage
field behind their house, which stunk
after the harvest season when what
was left behind rotted back into the
earth. Most of New York is farmland
and mountains. It's a beautiful state
filled with people making and growing
much of the food we eat. I enjoy a
lot of what city living has to offer, but
I feel most at home in the country.