This is about my granddaughter who turns 9 tomorrow and her beloved and definitely ragged stuffed lamb, Baa Baa. The journaling reads: “Baa Baa has been your beloved companion since you were just a baby. He is your security when you are frightened, your comfort when you are sad, your friend when you are lonely, your constant when the pandemic seemed to change almost everything else in your world. No one has loved a lamb more dearly except Jesus. He loves you (His lamb) more than you love BaaBaa – and that’s a whole lot!"


I used mostly “Feeling Sheepish” by Aimee Harrison, but I pulled a clip from “2021 February: Love” bundle by North Meets South Studios (slightly recolored), a chain from the “Love My Dog Kit” and the heart charm from ”It’s Magic Collection” both by Karen Schultz, a glitter alpha from “Promise of Spring” by the Ginger Bread Ladies, and a  note paper from “My Weathered Heart” by Jumpstart Designs (covered with a solid paper from “Feeling Sheepish”). I used the background, paint layers and photo wells from “Arty Inspiration 13” template D by Heartstring Scrap Arts.