This is for the July Technique Time Challenge, which was to dump out your purse and take pictures of all the crap in there! I thought it was such a neat idea. I think it will be cool to look back at this page a few years or more from now and see what has changed.

Wild Kitty by Spinky Dink Scraps
White Chocolate by Lily Designs
Unbreakable alpha by Viva Artistry
Template by by Viva Artistry

I keep just about everything in my bag; yesterday’s mail, tons of pens & highlighters for class, plenty of lip gloss, lotion, a wallet; baby essentials like a diaper, wipes, sunscreen, snacks, toys; I have to have gum on hand for my husband, and my go-with-me-everywhere-indispensible-do-it-all iphone!