Thalassophobia is the intense, persistent, and irrational fear (phobia) of large bodies of water, such as the ocean, sea, or large lakes and is typically caused by a past traumatic event, such as a near-drowning experience or being frightened while swimming. Everyone experiences thalassophobia differently. Some people might panic when swimming in deep water, being on a boat, or when unable to touch the bottom of a pool.

Mine stems from an incident when I was very young, summer vacation on Cape Cod with my family. Dad was working and only came on the weekend. Mom and us kids were on the beach, I might have been around 10 or 12, floating on an inner tube. That pure clean water made the bottom look so close, but I had drifted much further out to sea and when I went to step down I could not reach the bottom. I have never been so frightened in my life, until a very kind man swam out to get me and pull me back in. From that day on, if I am on a boat or anywhere near water I need to be able to see land..

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