Paula Kesselring:
Old and Damaged Elements

Kim Jensen:
School Zone Bundle
Shabby School Papers
Torn Paper Dates 3

Heather Joyce
The Becca

Covid 19 Freebie

February 2023, it all started with my husband having a simple cough or so we thought. He had just gotten over a simular cold a few weeks earlier. A runny nose, a cough, headache and just feeling down right crappy so we though nothing of it. Yet a few days passed and his cough continued to get worse. A day missed of work turned into two, than three and soon he had missed nearly a week of work. That is when we started thinking something was up, something was not normal here. I had not been feeling sick yet, so I ran over to my mothers and got a few at home covid tests and we tested my husband just to see. Sure enough, test one came back positive. Than he tested again a few hours later, just to make 100% sure (cause you never can be too sure right? and sure enough. Covid positive. It was a few days later when the evil covid hit me. My throat felt like fire. That was the first symptom I had. Nothing else. I thought I wasn't going to have it bad. My husband after all had it worse. He was a hacking away, with nose dripping feeling like he was on his deathbed. But days later I woke to find my eye literally glued shut. WTF! And than other odd things happened. My ears started screaming in pain. My lady parts itched like no tomorrow and it felt like overnight an elephant jumped upon my chest and I could not breathe. I did a video call with my doctor who kindly went over all my covid related goodies and told me I was lucky enough to get covid related ear infection, yeast infection and more than likely pneumonia from my breathing issues as well. She gave me an inhaler, and meds upon meds to heal up all my issues. Weeks later we are still slowly recovering. My husband's taste buds are still not fully back and we both still have a hacking cough lingering around that won't go away. Covid just doesn't want to break up with us! It is like that needy teenage boyfriend that just hangs on forever and keeps coming back for more no matter what you do. Covid just doesn't get the message it is not wanted around here any longer!