Big Girls Don't Cry by Little Butterfly Wings

It has been a year and a half since the day my life changed for ever. A freak accident made me permentally disabiled. Months of going to the doctor without results and no miracle in sight. Having to give up my dream job and "settle" on something less .The literal dozens of medication on a daily basis that are medical experiments because they are not sure if they are or will ever work because no one has ever seen a case just like mine. Hoping one day my hand will "wake up" once again. Wishing I could hold my grandchild without fears of dropping her. Everyday I put on a happy face and pretend I am okay. Inside though I feel as if I am dying. I am screaming on the inside, wanting to wake from the nightmare. And there are times I want to cry myself to sleep; yet I smile with a tinkle in my eye still longing for that glimse of hope.