Kit used is "It's Purrfect" by Scrappin' Serenity

For the Journaling Challenge by Lisa Rosa, July 2023.  The prompt is "Something someone did or does that makes you sure you're loved and appreciated".

A lot of people don't think of cats as affectionate, but Littlemouse and Kitters are always close by (though usually in my lap or asleep on my chest!).  That definitely makes me feel loved 

Journaling reads: "Even though these pictures are seriously unflattering, I love them because it is so clear how much my cats love me - and I love them! Littlemouse has been with me since the day he was born and I know exactly what he wants by the way he “talks” to me.  Kitt is a snugglebug who only wants to be held like a baby. They make me smile and I’m lucky to have them both in my life."