-Today, we took a day trip to Door County. Such a beautiful fall day! Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant had the goats out on the roof which is always fun to see.  -As we drove through Peninsula State Park, I finally had Greg stop at an area we have seen but never checked out before. The Eagle Terrace, near the tower. There is a parking lot where you can walk (take the steps) down to the terrace. OH but it was a long way down!  Carol and I walked down the path of stairs to the terrace and looked at the beautiful vistas. -We saw a fox at the side of the road and hoped the photos would turn out because he didn’t hang around long!        10/09/2014


Kit: Into the Woods - JB Studio

       Into the Forest - Niea Scraps

Template: Remember This 1 Left - Dear Friends Designs

Font: Crazy Lynett Regulat - WM2