Journaling reads:
Cars had cranks and chokes
We went into the village to  use the phone, except we didn’t know anyone else who had one. We got our first phone when I was 11.
Milk was delivered in glass bottles by the milkman.
We didn’t have a fridge. We cooled things on a slab in the pantry.
I learned how to sew on a treadle sewing machine.
We played outside until the sun started going down.
We picked wild blackberries to make blackberry pie.
All our meals were cooked from scratch.
We stood at the table to eat.
There were no supermarkets.
Television was only on for a few hours a day, it was tiny,  black and white, and had no remote.
It never occurred to us to talk back.
We had no upstairs electricity until we were older.
The kitchen had a pump and not a tap.
The old oven still existed next to the fireplace. We had a new fangled one, but the old one, that worked off fireplace heat, still worked.
We swam in ponds with tadpoles and newts.
We climbed trees.
We picked our sweets from penny trays.
We had the best life in the world.

Growing Memories Collection by Ilonka Designs

Farmers Daughter, Brisk Thin