My favorite treat in the whole world has to be dumplings. Mom and Dad had 6 girls. I am one of the younger ones and the older ones were starting to leave home and starting their own families.  Even so we did not get these very often at home. They do not have very many ingredients the way Mom made them. Potatoes, flour, butter, occasionally baking powder. However, Mom had to make a lot of them because we all LOVE them! And the leftovers are just as good so there have to be plenty for that too. Mom made them the size of very large snowballs. She usually made a beef roast or pork roast or both together. I am very very picky about the gravy on my dumplings and that was always good gravy. Any combination of beef and pork. If Mom made ham or we went to my aunt’s house and she had ham gravy which was red, NO. NO NO NO! Eww. Actually, double eww or triple eww! How dare you desecrate my dumplings with such a disgusting excuse for gravy. I would eat my dumplings with butter only then. Mom is gone now and one year when we got together, I had lamented about a sit-down dinner for our party. Dorothy made it happen! She made dumplings and I was a PIG! Growing up it took me many many years to work up to eating 2 in one sitting. That day I ate 6 and Dorothy’s are as big as mom’s (One was for Roger who couldn’t be there that day.) It was our final Christmas Party before we switched to summer picnics and everyone else was ready to move on to opening gifts. I was content to just sit there and make an absolute pig of myself while eating the dumplings. (I had no shame!) Sigh! I did stop eating and we continued on with the party but man! They were awesome.

Kit: Sugar and Spice - Gingerbread Ladies

Template: A Moment in Time 2 Left - Dear Friends

String - Karen Schulz

Fonts: Peterbuilt, Hamster, Gabriola