Every spring from 2006 to 2023, the local newspaper ran  an Easter egg hunt in which “eggs” were “digitally hidden” around town and a corresponding riddle was published with clues to the egg’s whereabouts. Small prizes were awarded after the hunt. Each year, my sister and I  “joined” in, solving the clues, and then visiting the locations. It has been a  WONDERFUL way to learn about and experience the interesting/historical sites in the city where we grew up. This is Riddle #1     from the final year, 2023. “Winnie Waymarker”, my “travel troll” enjoyed appearing, either in a photo or digitally added, on all of the layouts I’ve done celebrating these “hunts”, along with an “egg” (of course.)

RIDDLE: Its colossal protein stack

Might fill the arteries with plaque

But the muscular have demanded it,

And TV stars have two-handed it,

The egg’s filling up in a meaty dreamland which

Is just down the street from the 

“best club sandwich.”

ANSWER: Thurman Cafe


CREDITS: clipart; PHOTOS: by me; TEMPLATE: "August Template Challenge No. 2 Freebie" by Tinci Designs; KIT: "Daydream Believer" by Jumpstart Designs; FONTS: Chunk Five Regular; Comic Sans Regular