My personal copy of the book all good and worn out with love!

Kit Used: Every Day and Every Night by Pixels by Jen (Welcome Wagon...THANKS) some color and shape adjustments done

Journaling Reads:

This was my favorite book as a child. As a parent it was one of my favorite books to read to my kids. As my kids have grown I still read it every now and then. It is a book of life but as my kids have grown I realize how much it is about raising kids. We may not want to admit it but kids drain you. It is in their very nature to take from you. Love, knowledge, experience, morals and more. Then one day they grow up and you are tired and drained and believe they no longer need you. But the greatest gift you get from parenthood is seeing them become wonderful adults who still need you, and if you are lucky enuough they soon are the ones doing the giving.