Journaling Reads:

26th.  The kids both had their last recitals.  They will no longer go to music lessons because of bigger dance and soccer commitments.  They both were confident and played well as always.

27th.  I attended a sushi making class and lunch with some good friends.  I also learned that water chestnuts look like porcupines!  That night I went and bought the ingredients and made sushi at home for the was so successful, it’s now a regular dinner!  30th.  This is what our house in Chesapeake looked like on this day.  Definitely no snow here in Okinawa!  30th.  Zach lost a tooth and wrote the tooth fairy this note, he always asks his/her name.  2nd.  Alex had Emilee over to spend the night for her “party.”  They had a silly string fight, walked to ice cream alone (we met them there) and then said “talk to the hand” for any photos and we went shopping at a novelty shop.  I guess I was feeling generous or weak because I said yes to the bunny suit. 


P2014: January Mega Stash by Connie Prince

Daily Life Templates by Scrapping With Liz

Journal Font is aaron

Date font is Are you frekin' serious?