The sun is still high. You want to live freely and openly. You want to dance even if there is no music. You want to sing even though there is no tune. Life, for you, breaths effortlessly. You tell me to hold on “one sec”, you look away almost always. You stand still only when there is no-one else watching. You love to explore new places and follow new paths in this maze. You just turned 5. You are happy to run and jump and hold your hands high. The innocence you breathe is precious. You love the way your dress blows every time you turn with the wind. You love my camera. You are yourself. You giggle through most of this day. You are beautiful and kind. Someone once told me that you are lit from within. It is true. Even when I don’t think I have any light to photograph you, you stand there and suddenly there is light. You radiate light, even when there isn’t any. You are doing so amazing in school and I couldn’t be prouder. You test yourself.  We are in sync these days, you and me. I adore your sweet voice and I can not get enough of that amazing laugh of yours!  Most of all ..I love all that you are today and tomorrow. Life is good. I love you monster much my Doodle.

Sara Gleason:
Giggle Snort

Amy Martin:
They Once Were

Pink Reptile Designs:

Heather Joyce:
The Branch

Stitched and Shadowed Alpha